Comparing the picture in the photo of Barb and me on the 50th wedding anniversary of renewing our wedding vows ceremony, a close look will show Barbs left arm, I'm holding is paralyzed. just like in the picture here that was taken two years before the anniversary picture.
The stroke complications weren’t the only reason for the long suffering of my wife Baerbel. Both health and stroke complications were the real cause of Barbs long suffering. There was, and still is an underlying cause for most patients suffering being too long. That often overlooked, miss-understood and underlying cause is because of the ignorance of the un-known, un-written rules that were and still are at work throughout the medical community.
I’ve written most of those un-written rules down and I’ve published them in what I once called The Rule Book of Un-Written Rules. I now call this formerly un-written rules book
The Stroke Patients Whisperer’s Hand-Book
You’ll be able to buy that rule book of unwritten rules, you’ll also be able to get a pdf version of that very book for 99 cents as a download from (Lulu.Com).
I’ve compiled information that I've used while writing
The Stroke Patients Whisperer’s Hand-Book
The book I'm using to put together training Videos and Text Volumes I'm including as the Main Resource as an integral part of this website.
The website I'll be using while helping you decipher those Un-written rules.
Those very same rules that hampered Barbs progress toward Her Stroke recovery.
Barbs journey back to health because of those nasty
Un-Written Rules.
The rules that seemed to hamper Barbs journey, every step of the way, toward good or better health and even mobility for so long.